Micropro Software Solutions steps onto the market with a steady start; its shares kick off at ₹80 each on the NSE SME platform.


Guess what? Micropro Software Solutions just hit the stock market! Today, the share price kicked off at ₹80, a tad lower than the initial ₹81. Things got interesting as the shares quickly fell by 5%, landing in a temporary halt.

Now, rewind a bit. The company’s IPO was up for grabs from November 3 to November 7, with a price tag of ₹81 per share. Micropro, an IT powerhouse with 150+ tech whizzes, operates globally, serving 4,000+ clients in places like Africa, the U.S., India, and the UAE.

Ready for some numbers? The IPO aimed for ₹30.70 crore, all fresh equity shares. The goal? Pumping up funds for general corporate needs, capital spending, and day-to-day operations.


Behind the scenes, Swaraj Shares and Securities Private Limited is steering the ship as the book running lead manager, while Purva Sharegistry India Pvt Ltd handles the IPO registry.

Meet the brains behind Micropro:

Hitesh Dhirajlal Parikh, Prashant Renukadas Rajurkar, Sanjay Yadavrao Mokashi, Meenakshi Sanjay Mokashi, Shefali Hitesh Parikh, and Swati Prashant Rajurkar.

Hot off the rumor mill: The IPO’s grey market premium today is ₹4 per share, meaning folks are willing to shell out an extra ₹4 in the unofficial market compared to the official ₹81. It’s like a sneak peek into investor enthusiasm, hinting they’re willing to pay a bit more than the listed price!


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